MOH Explores Partnership for Expanded Dialysis Services at JOOTRH

MOH Explores Partnership for Expanded Dialysis Services at JOOTRH

By Lorraine Anyango.

 The Ministry of Health (MOH) is exploring a partnership with Marsan sagl group & Delta Trade Company to significantly expand dialysis services at the Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH) and the Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching and Referral Hospital (JOOTRH).

Dr. Amina Guled, MOH Head of Infrastructure, accompanied by Mr. Jetlir Zyberaj, representing the private sector partners, met with JOOTRH CEO Dr. Richard Lesiyampe to discuss the installation of an additional 50 dialysis machines and tables at JOOTRH.

This initiative aims to provide both KNH and JOOTRH with a fully digitized dialysis system. KNH is set to receive 100 dialysis units, while JOOTRH will benefit from 50. This expansion will significantly increase access to life-saving dialysis treatment for patients in need.

Currently, JOOTRH has 20 dialysis machines, but the demand for these services in the region far exceeds the current capacity. The proposed partnership will see JOOTRH receive these critical medical devices at no cost, ensuring timely and high-quality dialysis services for patients.

Dr. Lesiyampe welcomed this initiative, stating that it will significantly enhance the hospital’s capacity, particularly in anticipation of the upcoming kidney transplant center in Nairobi. He emphasized that patients will have access to both dialysis and post-transplant care at JOOTRH.

The cost of dialysis treatment in Kenya is substantial, amounting to a millions of shillings annually. Furthermore, individuals undergoing dialysis often have a life expectancy of several years once treatment commences. Kidney transplants, while offering a more permanent solution, carry a significant cost of approximately Ksh 2 million.

The team also discussed a potential partnership to fully digitize the JOOTRH laboratory and conducted a site visit to the hospital’s incomplete cancer center.

JOOTRH will now await further communication from the Ministry of Health regarding the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and the next steps in this crucial initiative.

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