Mental Health & Rehabilitative Department
Mental Health & Rehabilitative Services
World mental health day was commemorated with calls to address the disparity in access to mental health care. Last year’s theme being ‘mental health in an unequal world’, provided a platform not only to have conversations around unequal access to mental healthcare but also to look for solutions.
The impact of covid-19 has also directly impacted the increase of mental illness as some have lost their livelihoods. During the event hosted at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching Referral Hospital, gaps such as lack of trained personnel in mental care, stigma, and discrimination subjected to the mentally ill were addressed. Dr. Frank Njenga, the presidential advisor on mental health, stood in for Hon Mutahi Kagwe the cabinet secretary as the chief guest during the celebrations. Dr. Njenga said that stigma greatly limits access to care and decreases the quality of life for individuals affected by mental health disorders adding that lack of investments in mental health is also a major concern. Dr. Njenga also announced that plans are underway to set up six regional centers of excellence on mental health noting that already the work going on to address mental health at JOOTRH increases its probability of being one of the centers. He pointed out that JOOTRH’s MAT wellness centers are offering world-class services on mental health and called upon civil society to continue supporting mental health interventions. He pointed out that gaps created in resources allocation on the account of covid 19 have been a major challenge in the management of mental health in the past year.
“We do not have enough professions in the field of mental health, the entire Kenya has only 500 specialized mental health workers, I call upon the community health workers to raise awareness on mental health.” Prof Peter Anyang’ Nyong’o, Governor Kisumu County emphasized. He also threw the challenge to Kenya medical training school, to train specialized mental health care workers who should be stationed in all facilities from level one adding that it would help in the early detection of mental illness. While appreciating outreaches done through the radio stations, he said “We need to do more, not everyone has been reached.” He added, “Mental illness is an illness just like any other disease, there is no reason to treat people with mental illness differently.” Dr. James Nyikal, a member of the health committee in parliament emphasized. “The biggest sign and symptom are lack of insight, they do not realize they are sick, so do not expect them to take themselves to hospital.” Dr. Nyikal added. Dr. Nyikal noted that there is a myriad of reasons that trigger mental health, noting that it’s important to identify them and address them.
Nacada representative, Dr. Yvyone Olando gave worrying statistics indicating that data from Nyanza is above the national average, while the national percentage of bhang abuse is one percent, Kisumu indicators are at two percent. The national figures for changaa abuse stand at 2.6 percent, while in Nyanza it’s 5.6 percent, the national figure for cannabis Sativa is 0.8 percent while in Nyanza it’s 1.8 percent. She said that Nacada is willing to partner with Kisumu County to set up a rehabilitation center in a bid to intervene in mental health care provision.
Red cross secretary-general Dr. Asha Muhammed underscored the fact that mental health needs to be normalized, and in doing this a lot more needs to be done to sensitize communities, families, couples, and support people. “Covid -19 has disrupted mental health, through it the demand for health care has risen and brought to the forefront what was already brewing,” Dr. Asha said. She pointed out the need for capacity building of staff who are healthcare workers, adding that the Red cross has been having online engagements to highlight and address inequalities in a bid to better mental health.
Also present during the function were Deputy Governor Dr. Mathew Owili, WHO country representative, Dr. Julie Nabyonga, Director General for health, Dr. Patrick Amoth, Kisumu County Women representative Hon Rosa Buyu, Dr. Gregory Ganda, Kisumu County Chief Officer health, and JOOTRH’s CEO Dr. George Rae among other guests.